Form Fill up option for Admission into 1st Sem of MSc in EcoRestoration under Dibrugarh University is opened in College Portal. Visit http://dimoriacollegeonline.co.in/ for registration
Form Fill up option for Admission into 1st Sem of MA in Assamese, MA/MSc in Economics, MSc in Environmental Management is opened in College Portal. Visit http://dimoriacollegeonline.co.in/
Due to delay in declaration of CBSE results of Class XII, the 2nd phase admission date is postponed. The 2nd phase admission of BA/BSc shall be held after 5 days of declaration of CBSE result.
For Notice Inviting Quotations for supply of books in Dimoria College, please visit the Tender Section
All members of Teaching and Non-teaching staff are requested to participate in Employees satisfaction survey in the following link